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Description: bright-yellow foam-forming aerosol with iodine smell.

Composition: iodine molecular, potassium iodide, excipients.

Description  :

Pharmacological properties: drug action is determined by liberation of iodine atoms. Presents of blood and pus decrease iodine antimicrobial properties, the drug has some surface-activity substances which remove organic debris.

Formation of foam provides better contacts of drug active ingredients with inner surface of uterus.

Administration and dosage: Fortisol-Ceftio administer for cattle, sheep and goats, camels, horse, swine for therapy of endometritis, cervicitis, vaginitis, postpartum sanitation of uterus (prophylaxis ), retained placenta, etc.

Shake aerosol can before use. Inject via catheter into uterus with its manorectal fixation.

Drugs applications repeat during 2-5 days if necessary. In case of pyometra may be administered simultaneously of 2 cans.

Contraindications: contraindicated in known cases of hypersensitivity to drugs ingredients and severe disruption of uterus tissue.

Withdraw periods: meat production, milk – 0 days.

Packing: 53 ml aerosol can in set with catheter and single use glove.

Storage: protect from light, 10-250С.

Guaranteed term: 2 years.



Attention! Do not use near flame. Do not disintegrate aerosol can.

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